"Landing" is both an invitation to create with
our bodies and our land, 
and a cultivating of practices to Land / ground ourselves. 
A sprouting movement between local botanical ink-making studio Wild Dot and movement practitioner Ong Cheryl.
Connected by veins of creating through the source of nature,
we come together
to nurture our relationship with our body
and other earth bodies. 
Flowing from the land into our core,
through embodied movement & art-making. 

Wild Dot makes watercolours and artworks with plant pigments in Singapore. Co-founded by Liz and Shirin in 2019, they hope that art making can be a medium through which more people can appreciate the beauty of and our intrinsic relationship with local plants.
Ong Cheryl is a movement practitioner who believes in connecting with our wilderness through improvisation and real-time composition. She started Body Stories in 2021, to share the gift of embodying ourselves in nature with the community. 

Landing is funded by the Singapore National Arts Council, 
2021 - Mar 2022.
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